Controlling Speed
Pushing is the earliest motion based maneuver you will learn on your skateboard. Your back foot will provide both control and speed as it pushes off the ground’s surface. It’s something that should come quite intuitively, but knowing some of the basic informations relating to stance and balance can make learning how to push easier and more expedient. So here’s a brief tutorial!
*If you’ve never ridden a skateboard before, please read “REAL BASICS -WHERE TO START-” the safest way to mount your board.
How to Push Skateboard?
Position of Front Foot
Your front foot should be on the front hardwares and flared forward. Make sure your body weight is centered over your front foot.

Pushing Action
With your front foot in the correct position and your weight centered over it, propel yourself forward by pushing back along the ground with your back foot. Your body and your line of sight should be forward facing as you push. This motion is also explained further in depth in “REAL BASICS -WHERE TO START-.”

Increasing Speed
The more power you apply and the more often you push, the faster you will go. Maintain your balance and return your back foot toward the front of the skateboard when you are ready to initiate the following push.
The main thing to focus on during this stage of practice is your body weight and how you need to maintain your center of gravity over the front foot of the board as you move forward.

Back Foot on Skateboard
Once you are satisfied with the speed of your momentum going forward, place your back foot over the back hardwares. With your back foot on the board you may now distribute your weight evenly between your front and back foot, with the weight of your body centered over the board.
Unless you are on a downward slope, your momentum will slow soon enough and you will need to push off again shortly.

Mongo-Style Pushing
One thing we recommend avoiding is “Mongo-style” pushing. Mongo-Style is a pushing technique which uses your front foot to propel yourself forward, thereby requiring your weight to be centered over your back foot as you move forward.
What You Can Discern from a Push
Pushing is a simple technique that should not take too long to learn, yet the difference between an experienced skater compared with a technically proficient beginner is often stark.
While both may move at roughly similar speeds, while both may turn corners and ride over rough ground in a seemingly similar manner, the efficiency and ease with which experienced skaters push is something to aim for.
Your own style should develop soon enough as you continue to ride along, but keep in mind that the most appealing riders to watch are also the ones that are most at ease on their boards, most connected with them, and seem to be undeniably ENJOYING their ride. Keep practicing, and make an effort to have fun!